Remember the Touhou Kinema Kan I linked to a while back? Well, they made another one. This time, I’m going to talk about each part individually as opposed to a single sentence about the whole thing. OP1 Quality animation. The song is ok. OP2 … Holy cow. That was EPIC. I like Yuka, and… Well […]
Kokuhaku Sensation I had a LOT of trouble picking the top song this week. There were three that I REALLY liked. Eventually, I decided on that one there. But since I still liked the others so much, here they are as an added bonus, free of charge: Guilty Verse – Kiyoteru sounds awesome here. The […]
The Capital City of Flowers in the Sky Why yes, Lily! Spring IS here! Yay!
After All, the Happy Happy End After last week’s song, I wanted a happy song. I don’t know if this is a happy song or not, but it says Happy End in the title, so I’ll believe it. I could have gone with SOS from The Maid Star, but that has too much happy.
Gabe Newell at GDC 2010 This was news on Thursday. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, (or don’t read any gaming news at all) you know about this. But Imma post about it anyway. I was watching this live as it happened. The GDC awards were going on, and I was kinda half-listening while […]
Cactus and Mirage T_T Just… T_T
Watashi wa Himitsu-kichi This song was made by the same person as Whammy Anarchy, from WVR #118. I like this one even better than the other one, actually.
Well, we’ve come to the end of another round of anime reviews by me. As I did last time, I’ll finish with a few comments on all the OPs. Last Exile – I’ll say it up front. The Last Exile OP is one of my favorites of all time. “OF ALL TIME!” (Shut up Kanye.) […]
akita vs miku Miku and Neru fight each other with lightsabers. Need I say that this is win? Bonus points if you recognize what fight this is based on. (And no fair peeking at the YouTube comments page.)