In Which Bill Tosses a Molotov
MIDNIGHT POWER And a Smoker on bass.
MIDNIGHT POWER And a Smoker on bass.
Well. I’ve already done Halloween posts for both the Scarlet sisters, so what do we do? Today we have, quite possibly, ZUN’s most evil-sounding song. Satori Maiden ~ 3rd Eye As usual, lots more after the break:
Iron Man 3 Trailer Iron Man is best superhero.
Kyle Gabler – Best of Times While I was waiting for Dishonored to arrive in the mail, I needed something to keep myself occupied. I saw World of Goo in my Steam list, and decided to play it again for the first time in… goodness knows how long. I had forgotten just how much fun […]
Younger Brother – Train This is pretty darn good.
The Cliff: TF2 [Live Commentary] Default Pyro Gameplay Yesterday I upgraded to a 3Mbps Internet connection speed. I wonder how that will affect my ability to do stuff and not be killed due to lag.
COPILOT – The Drunken Whaler This song made me buy the game pretty much single-handedly. It comes out tomorrow. TOMORROW. Goodbye, Internet.
Joel Nielsen – Black Mesa Soundtrack Black Mesa has one of the best game soundtracks to come out in a while. My favorite is “Forget About Freeman”.