The ramblings of a bearded crazy person

Archive for June, 2011

Touhou Matryoshka

Touhou Matryoshka I didn’t really like Matryoshka when it first appeared in the rankings. But after a while, it kinda grew on me… Still not my favorite song in the Universe, but not horrible. And this PV is really, really good.

47 Minutes of Awesome

壮大に感じる東方アレンジ集 I was hooked after the opening notes. And the following 47 consecutive minutes of general epicness.

Best of WVR #194

Encryption – D I wonder why AVTechNO doesn’t use a picture when he puts his songs on YouTube. They have pictures on NicoNico.


Minecraft – Piston Transport I approve of this method of transportation. Unfortunately, it won’t work with the pistons to be included in 1.7. :(

Get Out Your Umbrellas

OTAKU-ELITE – Crown of the Sun Summer is here again. And this amazing track has been on repeat for weeks around here.

Best of WVR #193

Lily – Prototype I like having the “This Week in History” segment back. I missed it.

Next Time

Next Time – A tribute to those who didn’t win a Saxxy Award Sigh… T_T

Lullaby of Deserted Hell

Aizawa – 廃獄ララバイ -Subfusc ReMix- Nya~

Best of WVR #192

Hiatus After a very extended… er… hiatus… Sippotan is back at the helm! And so the WVR returns to normal.

Outside Aperture

Outside Aperture An incredibly awesome video. And the people who made it live in Arizona.