Half-Life: Origins
Half-Life: Origins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw684xM2cUo Rad.
Half-Life: Origins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw684xM2cUo Rad.
Shibayan – 秋扇 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACW7h_Sb0lw It took me two months to realize I spaced on announcing autumn. Geeze. Well, fall is here now, if you were waiting for this post for it to start. Winter’s will be on time, I swear. Anyway… About the song. Shibayan is a hit-or-miss group for me. This one is a […]
Desert Bus For Hope 5 – “Dale”ek vs. Dale Vader Dale rocks.
Minecraft was officially released on Friday. To commemorate the occasion, here’s a bunch of songs people wrote about Minecraft. Bobby Yarsulik – Minecraft: The Song I first heard this song around the same time as I started playing. It’s still good.
Omoide Shavadava http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un7_QfsoGmE More on time than you.
End of the Beginning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLTtTXMU5j0 I’d apologize for being late, but Skyrim. “Skyrim, SkyrimSkyrim Skyrim Skyrim SkyrimSkyrimSkyrim. Skyrim.”
DB4 – POWERBUS! That time of year has come again. It’s almost time for the intrepid crew of Loading Ready Run to, once again, press the left button. If you remember, I had fun last year. And I imagine it will be fun to watch again this year. BUG SPLATTING! AHH!
Gumi – American 60 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZHctCzxQgA This wasn’t in the WVR. :( And it was pointed out to me that this sounds like a Beatles type song. It totally does.
The World of Skyrim Three days. Count ’em. Three.
icarusfoundyou – The Imperial Guard Song Skyrim comes out in four days.