The ramblings of a bearded crazy person

Still Annoyed

Please note: This post is NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. I wrote this about an hour after I first learned of the ban, and white-hot. I set it to post at midnight today. After I cooled down several hundred degrees, I pulled the post, and wrote the annotation you are currently reading. Mainly due to reading the comment on the previous post, which to be honest, shocked me. I had no idea how much of a jerk I was acting like, until that post. Thank you, Mr. Unicorn.

So again, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. With that, here is the post as it was originally going to appear:

This was so stupid.
I’m making a note here: EPIC FAIL.
It’s hard to overstate my irritation.
“We do what we must”
“because we can.”
“For the good of all of us.”
“Except the ones who are banned.”
But there’s no sense crying over every nistake.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
And the Modding gets done.
And you stop all the fun.
For the people who are still annoyed.

I’m not even angry.
I’m being so sincere right now.
Even though you kicked my butt.
And banned me.
And locked all my threads.
And threw every thread into the trash.
As they burned it hurt because
I was such a bother for you!
Now these points of annoyance make a new policy.
And I’m out of the club.
I’m gritting my teeth.
So I’m BOlT. I got banned.
Think of all the dumb in hand
with the people who are still annoyed.

Go ahead and ban me.
I think I prefer to stay outside.
Maybe you’ll find someone else to bug you.
Maybe a new mod…
Anyway, this place is great.
It’s so warm and friendly. (not)
Look at me: still talking
when there’s Grieving to do.
When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I’m not you.
I’ve more posts to make.
Then I’ll bake myself a cake.
To share with the people who are still annoyed.

And believe me I am still annoyed.

I’m writing Parodies and I’m still annoyed.

I feel LIKE CRUD NOW and I’m still annoyed.

While you’re banning I’ll be still annoyed.

And when you’re banned I will be still annoyed.

Still annoyed.


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