The ramblings of a bearded crazy person

Archive for the ‘YouTube Tuesday’ Category

The Spy-Aware Sniper

The Spy-Aware Sniper Well… At least he spychecks!

Whey-Hey and Up She Rises

Dishonored Gameplay Trailer I’ve been hearing about Dishonored for a little while now. I’d been seeing articles pop up now and then, but I never paid any attention. Then this trailer came along, and my stance went from “meh” to “I am interested. Tell me more.” It got instant points for Drunken Sailor. The setting […]

Rampaging Flandre

Rampaging Flandre This is the 495th post on the blog here. Yeah, I celebrate weird numbers. WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT, PUNK?

Coming to Alderaan

Coming to Alderaan A-ha!

Doublecross in a Nutshell

CTF_Doublecross in a Nutshell More proof that the Sticky Jumper is a viable weapon.

She Asked for This

Mister Jensen needs a new mirror I probably laughed more than I should have.

Cave Johnson Here

Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Ah, it’s been so long since we last heard a trailer with Cave Johnson in it. He’s still cool. I can’t wait to manipulate the Multiverse for myself.


F2P I like playing with the new people.

I Just Want To Set The World On Fire

The Magic of Television Don Newman is a hero to Pyros everywhere.

Felix’s Workshop

Felix’s Workshop This is another one of those videos that magically fits into the same amount of space as a four-second mp3. Download the original for awesome.