The ramblings of a bearded crazy person

Archive for December, 2011

The Dragonborn Comes

Malukah – The Dragonborn Comes This woman clearly learned a lot at the Bards College in Solitude. This is the most beautiful song I’ve heard in a VERY long time.

The 12 Games of Christmas – Day 5 – Riven

“Cho…?” I first wandered the Age of Riven fourteen years ago. And the beauty of this place is just as captivating in 2011 as it was in 1997. Riven is not your average fantasy land. It feels like a real place. Everything is very well thought out, and you feel like this place could perhaps […]

The 12 Games of Christmas – Day 4 – SimCity 2000

“YOU CAN’T CUT BACK ON FUNDING! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!” I’ve played the entire SimCity franchise, starting with the original SimCity, up to SimCity 4. (I don’t really consider Societies a true successor; it was not developed by Maxis.) But SimCity 2000 has always stuck with me as being the best of the series. It […]

The 12 Games of Christmas – Day 3 – Minecraft

“That’ssssss a nice everything you have there…” When I was a lad, I built lots of stuff with Legos. (And when I wasn’t a lad.) Always impossibly big things that ate all of the Legos. Because building huge things is lots of fun. Enter Minecraft. Minecraft is about building things using cube-shaped blocks of different […]

The 12 Games of Christmas – Day 2 – Monkey Island

“I’m Guybrush Threepwood, and I wanna be a pirate!” The Secret of Monkey Island is one of the classic LucasArts (yes, they did do stuff other than Star Wars) adventure games that everyone should play. The game is as old as I am, heralding from the year AD 1990. Despite hearing great things about it […]

The 12 Games of Christmas – Day 1 – Chex Quest

“Two days ago…” Hello viewers! Today, I’m going to tell you what y’all should buy yourselves this Christmas. The 12 games that I got the most fun out of. (Yes, I know that the 12 days of Christmas starts on Christmas Day, but you need to get these beforehand in order to stick them under […]

I’m a Guru

I’m a Guru! I’m part of a tech crew. And this is what I do.

Best of WVR #216

Tsuki・Kage・Mai・Hana ‘sup, dudes? Did you miss me? Free time has been basically zero in the last month, and what little I did have I didn’t feel like spending on the WVR. I’ll get to the other missing ones eventually. YouTube videos don’t take very long to make a post about. Which is why they […]

Loose Rain

sound sepher – ルーズレイン Umm… Daiyousei? You feeling alright there?


Dez Fafara – Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Are you sick of boring Christmas music? Well…