The ramblings of a bearded crazy person


Nuclear Fusion

Tomorrow marks the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. So I thought I’d dedicate this post to the one whose job it is to regulate the nuclear reactor in the Underworld.

They really could have used her help at the Fukushima plant…
Lyude – Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion

You should recognize this one.

Tsukasa – Accelerator

Tsukasa has made several Touhou arranges that I like, but this one is his best.

Nuda Arai – Radiant Radiant Symphony

As soon as this gets going, you know it will be awesome.

IZMIZM – Shoot It

Some songs I like. I add them to the playlist, and I listen to them whenever the shuffle puts them on. Whereas other songs are so incredibly awesome that I listen to nothing but that one song for a month. This is from the latter category.

Kishida Kyoudan – Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom

I still love Ichigo’s voice.


Aki’s voice is mesmerizing as well…

Taka – Impulsive Fly

As is Merami’s. Is Nuclear Fusion a nexus for awesome vocalists or something?

Ottiki – Unyutei

This video is just plain fun.

Kiritansu – Djedefre

Djedefre was an Egyptian pharaoh. Which is probably why this song sounds rather middle-eastern. <unpronounceable name> was the first pharaoh to use the title “Son of Ra”. Ra of course, being the Egyptian sun god. Since Utsuho likes to chuck suns at you, I think the name was rather clever on the artist’s part.

C-CLAYS – Martin Fire

Of course, you can probably tell upon listening that this isn’t a remix of Nuclear Fusion. It’s a remix of Hellfire Mantle, the final stage theme. So it’s still Okuu-related, and it’s too great to not post.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the one video that will crown all of this.

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