The ramblings of a bearded crazy person

Hail Mima-sama!

Cytokine – Reincarnation

This is a remix of Mima’s theme from Touhou 3: Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream.

Mima is one of the many unfortunate characters who simply dropped off the face of the earth at the end of the PC-98 era. I would say there’s no hope of her return, but Alice and Yuka have made appearances since The Windows Cleaning. So who knows what Touhou 13 might bring…

ZUN’s description of the song says he tried to not make it sound too epic, since in that game, Mima was a normal character and not a boss. But I feel it does show a certain power behind it, and Cytokine’s arrange brings it out. Befitting of Mima-sama.

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