The Most Bestest Vocaloids of 2010
After five year-end ‘best of’ posts that were year-end only by the fact that I posted them the last week in December, let’s do a REAL best of 2010 post! What did the Vocaloids do this year that was really cool? Click “read more” and find out!
Best Vocarock of 2010
First up is our most rambunctious category, the Vocarock! Mozaik Role broke records left and right when it came out, and I shouted my excitement from atop the highest mountain!
Best Vocatrance of 2010
In our category with the lowest vocals-to-length ratio, The Endless Love takes the crown as the best trance song of the year.
Best Vocaother of 2010
Dark Gray Sky Shower of Blossom
In our vaguest category, we have Kaito being awesome. (I still say there has to be a Meiko companion song to this.)
Best English of 2010
This is some of the most fluent English I have ever heard from a Japanese Vocaloid. And from Yuki, of all people! I certainly never expected this.
Best PV of 2010
Hatsune Miku – Hitoribocchi de Futarikiri
January 1, 2010. Exactly one year ago, MasatakaP came out with this epic video. And in the 365 days since, nobody has made a better one.
Most Underrated Song of 2010
I was very sad that this song never appeared in the rankings. Like, at all. I never even saw it down in the hundredths place. I guess everybody was too busy listening to the…
Most Overrated Song of 2010
Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka – World’s End Dancehall
I really can’t stand this song. wowaka’s style has never appealed to me, and this song somehow ended up being the most popular song of, like, ever. Which made me doubly mad. But oh well… We know what was really the
Song of the Year 2010
If you thought I would pick anything else for Song of the Year, it’s obvious you haven’t read any of my other articles. Which makes me sad.
So that’s the end of the 2010 season of Xbolt Ranks the Weekly Vocaloid Rankings. 2011 can now officially begin.