The ramblings of a bearded crazy person

Innocent Wind

Innocent Wind by WAVE // Aya Shameimaru’s theme

Out of all the character themes in Touhou, Aya’s theme from PoFV/StB is my favorite. The original song by ZUN is just so fun-sounding, rather whimsical, and it fits Aya the Reporter perfectly. I like it better than her theme from MoF, which represents Aya the Tengu, rather than Aya the Reporter. (Though her Tengu theme is also very good!)

And this is the best gosh-darn remix of her theme EVER. PERIOD. WAVE took her theme, and made it absolutely EPIC. As you already know if you’ve read my stuff, I have a particular fondness for violins. So my favorite theme, plus epic violins, and you get the idea. If I had to write a list of my ten favorite songs, this would be on there.

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