The ramblings of a bearded crazy person

Vocaloid in Review – Day 1: Miku

Believe it or not, there are only 10 days left in this decade. And so, I figured I’d finish off the 2000’s with my favorite Vocaloid songs from this past decade. (A category which, coincidentally, contains every Vocaloid song ever composed. ;) ) Let’s start with Miku. (Aside from Love is War and Shining Ray, of course. They’re still the best by far, but lets give the others a chance.)

Memories – You can feel the emotion in this one, too.

Song of Isolation – Don’t be sad, Kurokona-san! We love you!

Sing My Love – This is probably the newest song on the list. It’s had a habit of getting stuck in my head since I first heard it a couple months ago.

Silence – EPIC song. And I’m jot just saying that because my friend did the translation. ;)

Monochroact – Aside from the music being great, I really like this PV in particular.

I was going to end at five, but since it IS Christmas week, as well as Tuesday, I’ll add one more:

Silent Night

(Actually, I’ve been saving this video for months. I HAD to use it. :D )

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