The ramblings of a bearded crazy person

Best of WVR #163


There were several contenders contending for this week’s top spot.

VY1 won out with this epic song.

2 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 WavatarAllen

    Ah, yes…this song’s name has a little bit of history behind it. I’ll just quote from the guy who told me about it: “China and Japan are in an iffy situation right now cause of the Senkaku islands(Editor’s note:I already knew this, but he didn’t know I knew). Jap otakus decided to counter China’s favourite insult 日本鬼子, meaning “Japanese devils,” and use moe to and “turn the Chinese into moetards.”
    Creating “Hi-no-Moto Oniko” based on an alternative reading of the 日本鬼子 characters – the characters for Japan, 日本, mean “origin of the sun” (Hi no Moto) and 鬼子 can be rendered into a female name, “Oniko.”

    Whether the Senkaku Islands really have to do with this song or not is up to other people. It doesn’t matter, since this song is nice.

  • 2 WavatarXbolt

    And that’s your history lesson for today, brought to you by Professor Allen!

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